Question: I can't set custom domain according to your manual. Please advise me. Answer: Here are the requirements before you proceed on enabling the custom......
Question: How can I get SSL for my custom domain? Answer: Custom domain SSL is automatic as long as you have already configured your DNS......
Question: How to limit access on specific user role? Currently, user (sub accounts) can get FULL ADMIN access where all are UNLIMITED but I want......
Question: As we test the system and taking order reports, we cannot easily identify the orders variation and item names so we need to check......
Question: Can the checkout page be edited? I notice that customers often don't finish the process and are stuck at "Choose Delivery Region/District." Answer: Unfortunately,......
Question: I created a webview page to be the “order page” of my store where the customer can fill up their details. I added some......
Question: How to make the free shipping if my customer orders and each a certain amount on his/her cart? Answer: You can use Checkout Rule......
Question: Ecommerce Reports only compute the order amount? It does not report and less the cancelled and rejected orders? Answer: At this time, Ecom Reports......
Question: Please help me regarding #ORDER_STATUS# variable, How to make it work and how will the customer trigger the store notification? Answer: Please note that......
Question: Hi I can see that we can edit the homepage of the store but I can't see the option to edit the Shop and......
Question: The messenger receipt is not showing when I configure the checkout fields setting to have the ZIP code as “Hidden”. However, if ZIP field......
Question: How to add paypal button on landing page? How am I going to add the user to mmio paid subscribers after successful sales? Answer:......