Growth tools


What are growth tools?


Growth tools are used to connect your Website with your MMIO Messenger Bots Flows. links (with QR Code) → Create a URL for your flow. When people click on this link, they are redirected to messenger and receive the flow you previously set up.

Custom chat widget plugin (website embed) → Embed a messenger chat widget on your website.

Send Message button (website embed) → Adds a button on your website and if the user clicks on that button, they will receive the Flow you set-up inside the user's messenger inbox.

Checkbox plugin (website embed) → Adds a “checkbox” on your website. You can also add a button. When the user clicks on that button, they will receive the Flow you set up inside the user's messenger inbox.

Button settings control the presentation/display of the button on your website.

You can check more information here →

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