I would just like to inquire if there are permalinks now? Ex: Straight to checkout with X Qty of Product A
For the Direct checkout link, this feature is already released but not yet announced. To use the direct URL checkout, please follow the syntax below:
Add the “action” query keyword and specify the word “direct” as its value.
Next, use the “cart_items” query keyword to specify the products and their respective quantities on your cart.
A. Adding a simple product:
Url Format:
The highlighted number is your product ID.
B. Adding a simple product with a specified quantity:
Url Format:
You can specify a quantity by adding the line (“|”) character after the product id and specifying the quantity after line (“|”) character.
ℹ️ How to type the line character on your keyword:
C. Adding a variable product:
Url Format:
Notice that we used the dash (“-”) character after the product ID. It tells the system that you are adding a specific variation on your variable product.
You need to get the variable ID of your chosen product variation, then add it after the dash (“-”) character
Get the variable ID by editing your product and copying the ID under your chosen variation:
D. Adding a variable product with a specified quantity:
Url Format:
You can specify a quantity by adding the line (“|”) character after the product id and the variable id, then specify the quantity after line (“|”) character.
E. Adding multiple products on your direct checkout
URL Format:
When adding multiple products, you can use the syntax above for simple or variable products. You can also specify the quantity if you want using the method shown above.
To add multiple products, simply separate each entry with a comma (",")