Custom domain


My client wants to use a custom domain on his e-commerce shop. So after he added CNAME record on his domain and pointed to my e-commerce domain. He is still unable to activate the SSL, his domain is still on http. How to install SSL and make it https ? Also, can landing page in Email Marketing able to have Custom Domain too ?


  1. Ecom Custom domain

    • https is added automatically once the custom domain is correctly set on “Edit Store → Custom Domain Settings”

    • If you are sure that the custom domain settings is correct on your client's ecom store, then please have them wait for DNS propagation. Try also to clear your client's browser's cache

    • If the above does not work, give us your client's login email so we can check the correctness of settings for ourselves

  2. Email landing page custom domain

    • This feature is not yet live. We will announce once this is developed. MMIO continues in working and enhancing features to provide full and satisfying experience to consumers.

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